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Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd

Business name:Uplogic Technoloies Pvt Ltd

Company description:
Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd is a premier technology solutions provider dedicated to driving digital transformation for businesses across various sectors. With a strong focus on innovation, we specialize in custom software development, including taxi, food delivery, courier delivery, healthcare, pharmacy, and towing app development. Our expert team of developers, designers, and strategists work collaboratively to deliver high-quality, scalable, and efficient solutions that enhance operational efficiency and boost productivity. At Uplogic Technologies, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Our agile development methodology ensures timely delivery and adaptability to changing requirements. We also offer comprehensive IT consulting services to help organizations leverage technology for strategic advantage.

Company activities:
Software development Mobile App Development Web App Development

Company headquarters - Uplogic Technoloies Pvt LtdStreet:2601, West ST
Postal code:K1A 0A1





Form of business organization:other

Number of employees:50

Year of establishment:2014

Date posted / updated:16/10/2024

User - registered since:18/06/2024

Added under the name:Uplogic Technologies Pvt Ltd

Posted in category:Information & office technologyInformation technology

Province / Territory:OntarioDivision / County:Ottawa City

Statistics:11 impressions / 3 visits

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100.00 %
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  • Total score from portal: 13

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100.00 %
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0.00 %
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  • Total score from visitors: 0
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