Business name:Techimpex
Company description:
Company Techimpex offers craft mini breweries and industrial brewing equipment for sale, productivity from 200 liters (1 bbl) to 500hl per day. End-to-end solutions. The equipment is suitable for Brewpubs, restaurants, cafes, etc. Available options for exterior decoration of equipment: copper, wood, stainless steel. Service: installlation, training, raw materials supplying. Increase of the production volumes is possible.
Company activities:
Brewery equipment manufacturing - sale of breweries with beer production technology - service of sold equipment - sale of raw materials - staff training
Date posted / updated:13/04/2020
User - registered since:28/08/2017
Added under the name:Brewery equipment manufacturer an seller
Posted in category:Food processingBreweries and distilleries
Location:Other country
Statistics:4089 impressions / 583 visits
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